The Founders Of The Halos Guild: iRCake, IKyoyaI, KaiAgito, and Psii..
Make sure you guys are checking the web all the time and stay active!!!!
The 7 Vongola Guardians: iRCake, KaiAgito, ILexyI, IKyoyaI.
If you have noticed, IKyoyaI has made some drastic but intense updates to the site, if your a guardian you now see that your name is in your flame color, Good job IKyoyaI^^
Welcome to our new member: KidEatsAstro.
You are now enabled to log onto the site from your Facebook.
Need an announcement on this bar? Contact tobi4586 or IKyoyaI..
The login is now at the top of the page, no more scrolling down necessary =D